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2:03 PM
StAnDiN' DoWn...FOR A WHILe...
Monday was quite odd...I noticed a very familiar smell in the office when I walked in... MiYaKe's perfume...well, maybe it's because I haven't seen her in 'bout a couple of weeks and dreamt 'bout her a few days ago...
I went to the bank the other day... Opened up a new saving account. Remember when I say dat I need to stash more money sumwhere? I need to start sumwhere, right? And to do dat, I need to give myself a very hard kick in the ass to get things rollin'... I also have a plan to do sumthin' crazy...again...within this couple of months. Just wait and see. Lets juz hope dat nuthin' goes wrong, shall we?
Another one of my friend is gettin' married early next month...well, good for her... I've known her from my previous company. She was in the same batch as me when we first came in... There's a group of us, about 7-8 people which is the trouble maker in the class... Maybe not a real trouble maker, but more to rule bender. We're the crazy bunch of the class... Ask anybody 'bout us, and they would know... But eventually all of us got separated once we got on floor and later most of them left the company...and I'm the only one left... I was the very last to move out of the company...
Hmmm...I wrote the first 3 paragraph last week, but haven't got the time to upload it... Time flies...it flew so fast dat, sumtimes it made lose track of it.
I went to see HaNie on Thursday...it's been nearly a year since I last saw her and she was very happy to see me again. She was complainin' to why I was losin' a lot of weight. Hehehe, I don't even know if dat is true or if it's just her... Later that night, I went out wit ChAcK and ZuL... It was fun...laughin' around at each others...
MiYaKe's gettin' engage early next month...good for her... I wish her all the best... Good things do happen to the people who waited patiently for it... And as for me...it is still the same.
When I came back to work on Saturday, I was unable to log in to my PC... It was sumthin' wrong wit the password... Well, considerin' dat the IT guys were not workin' on Saturday and Sunday...I got to stay away from answerin' the call for 2 FReAKIN' days... Hmmm...it was fun. But, by Monday...they're back and I have to start answerin' calls again...hehehe...fair enuff... Dat was the good thing...the bad thing was I got another 2 DSats and my TL was mad 'bout it... I admitted dat it was my own stupidity dat caused dat to happen. Seriously, dat SUCKS!!! I hate DSats... Dammit...
Dat same day,I noticed a very familiar smell again in the office... Smells like a girl dat I know...Haven't seen her for......too long dat I can't even remember... Hmmm...
Uh, yeah... I almost forgot...The Guardian DeMON is now unguarded... I am very vunerable right now... A lil' bit depressed and a lot of anger... Unable to release any of it... I'm trapped, in my desolate room... No lights, no music... Juz anger......
Posted by
4:21 AM
eURO 2008 started on 7th June... I'm not a big footbal fan. I only watch football if I want to and the only time dat I actually enjoy football is when the World Cup starts. And dat only happens once every four years... The company is doin' a competition between the teams here. Each team will represent one eURO nation and need to decorate their respective islands with the colors of the team. Our team got to represent Russia, but I believe dat nobody in my team knows any footballers from Russia... Well, I have dis idea in my head of calling ourselves the 'Tzars'... 'Tzar' in Russia means King or Ruler... Maybe we would modify our name a 'lil bit and put the 'Tzar' in front of it. And my name would be 'Tzar Gabanz'...hehehe. All of the team members would be called the 'Tzarians' collectively... But, I need to tell dat to my short sighted Team Leader first... Speakin' 'bout her, she does wear glasses, but only when she's drivin' or in a meetin'...(kinda cute when she wear 'em...) She admits dat she's short sighted...so, I called her my short sighted Team Leader! There are some people dat I know who looks cute when wearin' glasses...MiYaKe, RyNa to name a few...
She planned to have us wear the jersey of Russia, complete football attire and face-paint on the judging day... And I said dat she needs to wear a referee's shirt with a skirt...hahaha... And kinda like some people I know, she know nuts 'bout footbal... But gettin' the Russian jersey might not as easy as we first thought...
I was late yesterday...for the first time since I was officially on floor... I woke up at about 4 am, and I'm like, "SHIT!!!"...hahaha... At the time dat I'm writin' dis, it's already 6.55 am and I've only answered 1 call. And the call lasted for about 20 mins. So, Its been close to 2 hours without any calls comin' in...
I've been doin' some thinkin' lately. It seems dat people always forgets wut I say... Even when the things I say to them is for their own good. I noticed, man... Seen dat too many times before... And when they forgets, they put the blame on me... For example, remember dat I always says dat I always do sumthin' with and for a reason. I won't do things without reason...unless I wanted to... And when I do sumthin' or sumthin' happened, they completely forget the reason behind it all... Dat includes the reason why I do the things I do... Uh, well... I hope dat one day they will remember it again...eventually......
I got myself a D-Sat last week...but this week, I got a C-Sat and a Sat. Well, basically...I've just made it even. 1 for each category...hehehe. I'm like walking on a very thin line dat seperates good and bad...as always. And just the way I like it... I also supported a customer dat was having some issue with the printer. It is definately out-of-scope for me, but hey...I solved the issue. He's able to use the printer after dat. When I told dis to my ASG, he said dat it's like playing with fire, but as long as the issue is solved...there should be no problem.
Hmmm...playing with fire...just one of my weird hobbies. Don't try dis at home...you might get burned...
Posted by
4:18 AM
A WeeK IN ReVIeW...
Hmmm... Another update...late one... This is wut happened between the last time I did update dis blog until today. A week's summary...
On Monday, I answered '0' calls... There was absolutely no calls routed to us... Same thing happened on Tuesday. It was Memorial Day in the U.S of A...
I'm so very sleepy right now. It's nearly 4.30 a.m...
Finally got my pay today... Hmmm...even before I got my pay... 1000 bucks is already gone out the window... I need to pay back my mom and dad for the car installments and my adopted brother wants to borrow 300 bucks from me. So, there goes a thousand bucks... Juz like dat... I have another thousand left...but...all of it is goin' down the drain very soon... As far as I can tell, the things dat I bought for myself was just a bottle of shampoo, deo and hair moisturiser... I've saved about 12,000 bucks, sumwhere... but I need to save more, sumwhere else... Have to...
Meet up with my fren the other day... Mr. door and wall...didn't plant my punches well, so I've torn a thin layer of my skin between the middle and the ring finger off. It's nice to know dat I can still feel pain... Feels good to let some steam off... Haven't got the time to enjoy my life... My last vacation was nearly 6 months ago... Time flies...
I had dinner last night with RyNa(Sunday, I think)...it was fun... She told me dat I need to get enuff sleep or I might get sick. She also said dat I never got enuff sleep since the first day she knew me... Well, maybe she's right... I would normally sleep only for 'bout 6 hours per day, and now it's even worst... I would be very lucky if I got to sleep 'bout 6 hours undisturbed... I only got to sleep on average of 'bout 4.5 hours per day now... I have to admit dat she is one of the few people who somewhat knew me better than others...
I got my first D-Sat ever yesterday... Hahaha...dat SUCKS!!! But, hey...it's not the end of the world... I can still live with it...no issue at all. My Team Leader is going to do a discussion later today with me...huhu... It was kinda my fault anyway...so...I deserved it... Speaking 'bout my Team Leader, she got her hair straighten and cut...looks nice... I actually thought dat she was somebody else when she walked in to the office yesterday... And she got to know dat I have a blog and most probably after she reads dis, I'm gonna get another Coachin' Form... Huhu... I also need to get my hair trimmed...juz haven't got the time to do it yet... Hey, I'm not kissin' anybody's ass here... Not now, not then...and certainly not not ever...
I was traumatized this morning(Sunday night...after the dinner wit RyNa)... In my life, I've never seen so many gays in one single night, in one single place... I didn't even dared to step out of my car. I stayed inside the car for nearly half an hour. The only reason I was there was 'cuz it's my usual parking place. And I know dat there's a so-called high class retaurant and lounge sumwhere near there. It's the kind of place dat spoiled rich brat or people who thinks dat they're better than others go to hang out. Wut I wasn't expectin' was...it was having some sort of 'Gays Nite Out'!!! Hey, I know some people dat is gay...fine with me...absolutely no issue with dat... But to see a bunch of people...well a whole lot of bunch of 'em running around, holdin' hands, flyin' kissin', huggin'
and ass smackin' each other is definately disturbin' for me... Seriously guys...you know wut you're doin' is wrong... WAKe UP!!!
Last night, I had my dinner wit MiYaKe... She was askin' why I haven't updated my blog yet... Well...your wish just came true, MiYaKe... Hehehe... There's so many things dat happenned I juz haven't got the time to tell you 'bout it... But anyway, it was fun to see her again. There's never a dull moment when I'm wit her...And as usual, the nose pinchin' and ears pullin' was part of the dinner...
Hmmm...DeADMAN out...for now......
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4:01 AM