Friday, November 5, 2010's been a while since I last wrote anything in this page... The last time was 8 months ago...well, actually about 4 days shy of 8 months... The last post was on the 9th of March 2010... and today's the 5th of November 2010... Yeup, it's true what people said... Time flies, especially when you lose track of it...

Nothing much has changed when I came to think about it... Apart from my contract in the previous company has ended and within a couple of months, I got another's been the same for me. I got up, go to work , ate 3 meals (well, kind of...), took one good shit and then I go back to bed... Hehehe.

Looking on the positive side of life, I finally finished my car loan... So now it's time for me to repair my car... Top to bottom, front to back... Lucky that I got a better pay in my current company...can save some money in the process... Well, the office is definately quite a long drive from my house...but I do enjoy it... At least I got to listen to my cds and also the radio a bit longer this time, rather than only managing to finish one song before I got to the office's car park...

On another note, aku tak berapa faham dengan perangai sesetengah orang yang sentiasa tak boleh tengok orang lain lebih skit dari diorang... Mesti nak dengki la, sakit hati la etc. Boleh tak kalau korang jangan sibuk pasal orang dan cuba tengok dalam diri sendiri, kenapa korang masih di tempat yang sama sedangkan orang lain dah berada di kedudukan yang lebih baik dari dulu... Aku tau, yang aku ni tak sempurna langsung...tapi tak salah kalau kita sama-sama cuba untuk memperbaiki kelemahan diri sendiri. Tak salah langsung kalau ada sikap bantu-membantu sesama manusia, kan?

Kalau seseorang tu lebih baik dari kita, apa salahnya kalau kita belajar dari mereka dan kalau ianya masuk akal dan munsabah caranya...bukankah itu lebih baik? It's definately better than condeming others, rite? If you, yourself are in a better position than the people you condemned...then maybe it make sense (a bit laaa...). But if you are a bigger screw-ups than that person...well to me you're just making yourself look even worst... Like my sis, Sita like to say it...the pot calling kettle, black...

Anyway...I've changed the look of my page here... Gotta try something else later... But that 'later'...only GOD knows when that's gonna be... Hehehe...



hobbit1964 said...

I normally refrain from making comments in sacred annals.
But this post is a good one, and I hope that this beginning brings much good fortune to you.
It does sound like you are making impressive progress. I am very very happy for you. It is time that things started looking up for you, and I hope this has all come at the best time of your life. This is your world, so straighetn up, fly right and be blessed all your days.

Placid Thoughts said...

I will be here for you bro. Every step of the way.

HaLL-aIM said...

Thanks for comments...
Definately will be looking forward to the future.
Thanks sis...I know u'll always be there.:)