Have you ever heard of KARMA? Some of the explanation in Wikipedia is:
a) the effects of all deeds actively create past, present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain and joy it brings to them and others
b) if one does good or spiritually valuable acts, one deserves and can expect good luck; conversely, if one does harmful things, one can expect bad luck or unfortunate happenings
c) all living creatures are responsible for their karma — their actions and the effects of their actions — and for their release from samsara
but it can be collectively interpreted as the cycle of life. Good things will happen to people who do good and vice versa...or sumthing like dat, right?
There's a guy inside my class currently who is older than I am...most probably older than most of the class' members. We're cool and we talked about many things... One of the topic was cars and money(obviously, men's favourite subject)... I told him the condition of my car(which is not that good due to the left break pads is completely out of order)... And he gave me some of his money to go and the damn thing fixed. I was really surprised 'cuz I'd never expect that to happen and I'd never had any intention at all to ask for his help. THIS GUY BARELY KNOWS ME!!! AND WE'VE ONLY BEEN IN THE CLASS FOR THE PAST FREAKIN' WEEK!!!
Somehow, this reminds me of the things that I've done before. Back when I was in training about a year ago in my previous company. I did the same thing to a guy,(which then becomes one of my best friends) when we was in training together. I gave him some of my money, just cuz he said that his in-laws are coming and he's broke at that time. And again, I ONLY GOT TO KNOW THIS GUY FOR ABOUT A WEEK(at that time)!!!
That just shows that karma actually does happen... Kinda creepy-ish mixed together with some 'thing' that is out of our limited way of thinking... Nice, huh?
I was told to search for tokidoki...and I got punk'd by her... Yes, I got to meet her earlier today during her dinner time. The last time I got to see her was about a week ago...and it was really good to see her again. I miss her and her perfume. I named her after her perfume...Hehehe. But by the way, the only thing I found out about tokidoki was it's some clothing line from japan or sumthin'...
I'm damn sleepy...... *YAWN*
KaRmA 'n' ToKiDoKi
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Posted by
4:59 AM
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Libra (24 September - 23 Oktober)
Dia seorang yang seksi, tubuhnya agak menarik, pakaiannya agak kemas dan sukakan kebersihan. Mungkin mempunyai bentuk badan sedikit kewanitaan seperti bulu roma yang sedikit, atau bahu yang kecil. Dia tidak gemar tangannya kotor, dia suka pekerjaan yang mempertingkatkan paras rupa orang lain seperti mendandan rambut, pereka fesyen atau menjual barangan kecantikan. Sikapnya terbuka, menyenangkan, suka bergaul dan ramai kawan. Sopan dan simpati. Antara kelemahannya ialah dia sukar memutuskan sesuatu yang tidak disukainya, ini mungkin mengakibatkan dia berkahwin dengan pasangan yang tidak sesuai. Walaupun dia lelaki popular di kalangan wanita, emosinya terkawal dan dia kelihatan seperti pasangan yang kurang mengasihi. Pada mulanya wanita tertarik padanya kerana dia bertimbang rasa dan berhati-hati, kemudian setelah beberapa lama, sikap itu tenggelam. Dia biasanya adalah orang yang cermat dalam berbelanja tetapi agak boros pula dari segi membeli baju, wangian, atau perabot. Dia membelanjakan banyak wang untuk menarik perhatian orang yang dicintainya atau sesiapa yang dianggap penting.
Scorpio (24 Oktober - 22 November)
Tubuh biasanya kecil, tingginya jarang melebihi ketinggian sederhana. Renungannya yang tajam seolah-olah dapat membaca isi hati orang lain. Sama ada hatinya gembira atau sebaliknya dapat dilihat dari cara dia jalan. Dia akan berjalan dengan tenang bila hatinya suka dan tidak menentu bila dia kegelisahan. Dia seorang yang mudah tersinggung perasaannya, tetapi dapat menyembunyikan keadaan itu dengan rupa zahiriah yang agak cekal. Dia akan berusaha bertahun-tahun untuk mencapai cita-citanya atau untuk membalas dendam. Suka jika dapat menunjukkan kuasa, dan nampak lebih dominan dalam perhubungan.
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